Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Jean-Michel Giraud: The Nation's Capital Prepares for Hypothermia Season
As we walk by people bundled up in blankets in storefronts in the evening, we are reminded that nights are getting colder in the City and that, soon, these folks will be confronted with more serious decisions to get away from the life threatening cold on the streets of the District this winter. The Nation's Capital has its cycles as Congress and business activity ebbs and flows throughout the year, but the need on the street is always there.

...There is often a feeling of apprehension among service providers and volunteers in the homeless services community as severe weather is announced. Rapid interventions on the street by skilled outreach workers make the difference between life and death during the winter.

This amazing winter service upsurge results in significantly safer conditions for our homeless neighbors. Sadly, though, people do die outside in Washington every winter. The District only counts folks actually found dead on the street as hypothermia victims. Other jurisdictions, like New York City, include people who die in hospitals after they are admitted due to severe exposure to the cold. Some of us at the Interagency Council on Homelessness have questioned this practice. Confidentiality governing hospital care was cited as the main reason for the limited criterion but it would be helpful to know how many people die in hospitals because they have been exposed to severe weather conditions in the city streets and parks.
NYT reporter Justin Gillis Antarctic ice claims called 'a joke' by climatologist -- Gillis' polar sea ice claims called 'a total irrelevancy' & 'ludicrous' | Climate Depot
Dr. Patrick Michaels full statement on NYT's Justin Gillis: “Taking five year averages from the beginning and the end of the records is a joke. An actual scientist would regression-fit the linear increase in Antarctic ice anomalies (in square km) and second-order fit (because it is obviously a curve) the decline in Arctic ice using the similar metric (data are from Cryosphere Today). The trended gain in Antarctic ice is about 0.9 million square kilometers, while the (second order) trended decline in the Arctic is about 1.7. The Arctic net loss is about twice the gain in Antarctica.

Gillis' '25 times' figure is a ludicrous gaming of the cruel facts of geography, a total irrelevancy.”
Climate skeptics to once again get airtime on PBS | Watts Up With That?
I expect by about mid-November, after yet another skeptic media event following this PBS Frontline report (no, I’m not telling you who’s airing it) both Joe and Brad won’t have any brains left to explode. This time it isn’t just one climate skeptic they’ll have to start a campaign against.
Twitter / CFigueres: Just met with new World Bank ...
Just met with new World Bank President. #Climatechange top priority. "Have to do it for my 3 year old son"
Northeast cap-and-trade proceeds surpass $1B |
Only nine states still participate in RGGI
Politics: Romney has room both to attack and to fail in debate on climate -- 10/03/2012 --

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