Monday, April 13, 2009

CO2 HOG : The Twenty Eight (and Growing) Smoking Guns of Global Warming
Smoking Gun #3: In any cause and effect model, the cause must occur before the effect. I exercise, and then I lose weight. It makes no sense to claim that exercise caused the weight loss, if you exercise after the weight was lost. Correlation studies show that CO2 increases AFTER temperature, not before it. Basically, the sun warms the earth and oceans, things begin to grow and produce CO2, CO2 then increases. The key however is that things must warm first, and then CO2 increases. Things cool, and then CO2 decreases. Temperature drives CO2, CO2 does not drive temperature. This chart demonstrates how CO2 remains at peak levels, and yet temperatures plummet into an ice age. In fact, ice ages usually begin during times of relatively high CO2.
Sceptic spared a sliming: is the climate changing? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Yet it may just be that Plimer, perhaps our most distinguished geologist, has in fact produced his book just when there’s a new mood to finally challenge the global warming hysterics, hypocrites and carpet baggers. Rather than get the usual sliming, Plimer in fact received a generous review in the Sydney Morning Herald from warming believer Paul Sheehan...
Skeptic's Corner: How many millimeters in a mile?
It does not seem possible to me that millimeters could flood miles, but what do I know I am an American, obviously too steeped in my gluttonous unsustainable consumerist ways to discern the difference between millimeters and miles. Of course being a bullying slothful ignoramus American I never did learn the metric system so I probably am ignorant of the finer points here.

I am sure the UN of IPCC obviously knows best, they of Darfur fame, oh sorry that is our ex president, whose name shall not be mentioned, fault. Our new president will lower the rising seas, he told us so, so it must be true, because the world loves him. Perhaps he has a way to stop millimeters of rising seas from overcoming miles of growing land, he certainly has shown that he can grow money on trees so perhaps so.
Bamboo-zled: The veneer of ‘green’ laptops « Green Hell Blog
The bottom line on Asus bamboo laptop?

You may look cool, chic and eco-friendly, as ABC’s Andrea Smith says, but the reality is you’re being fooled and ripped-off, while doing nothing for the environment.

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