Monday, July 27, 2009

Midsummer farce in the Arctic: Greenpeace flees ice "way thicker than anything we can break"

Climate Rescue Weblog
The helicopter gets off the deck at 0800. The ship's main engine starts 20 minutes later.
The Arctic Ocean pack ice has invaded Nares Strait. It is old (called multi-year) sea ice, and averages six meters thick. This is way thicker than anything we can break with Arctic Sunrise. So before it can trap us in Hall Basin, we escape south. The crew all walks around telling each other that this is good, as we are all bored with Petermann.
The sea ice is chasing us into the bay of large icebergs. The east side of Kane Basin is the Humboldt Glacier. Being a grounded glacier, the pieces that break off are huge. As a result, Kane Basin is littered with icebergs. There are maybe 70 that we can see from here. It's a real contrast to Petermann, where the glacier is floating. From a distance the glacier ice breaking off from Petermann does not seem very different from the sea ice that forms over the winter. But these icebergs from Humboldt are ten to twenty meters high.
For the first time in this trip we do some real icebreaking. The ice is mostly first-year sea ice, sprinkled with pieces of glacier ice, which is much harder. It does not look very thick, and seem to be 50% melt pools, some of which go right through. At first, it is pretty easy going. With 90% power on, we are just able to break through the 50cm ice. Then we have to stop, back up one ship length, and charge at it again. And again. And again. As we cut alongside a large ‘berg, I understand Arne's explanation of ice under pressure. Here is ebb tide is pushing the floating sea ice against the grounded berg. The ice stops cracking ahead of us. We have to back up every boat length, and ram it again.

This explains Arne's first rule of icebreaking. Avoid it. Always look for a lead or a way to get around it. Icebreaking is time consuming and sucks down tons of fuel.


Anonymous said...

hey dude...if you are so worried about the Arctic ice melting....why the heck are you going so far out of your way to break it up and spew all of that CO2 into the air?

Anonymous said...

they could have used zero-carbon nuclear powered ice-breakers, but the greenies have another problem with nuclear: they're scared of it exploding and killing them! to the greens there's only one way to go: no fossils, AND no nuclear

Anonymous said...

f*cking idiots

papertiger said...

this is great news. Every year we get a floatilla of f'ing idiots trying to row their boats through the ice. It's becoming clockwork and it's own record of the progress of the Arctic sea ice recovery independant of satellites or Giss.
July 28th is the earliest the ecofreaks have been turned back.

Anonymous said...

Kind of like the idiots I saw in Minneapolis on July 16, 2009. On an overpass over I-35W at about 6:00 PM were four idiots in 20 degree BELOW normal temperatures wearing jeans and hooded sweatshirts with signs stating "STOP GLOBAL WARMING" as previous post states f*cking idiots.