Monday, December 14, 2009

ADB chief says climate finance insufficient | Reuters
ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda also told Reuters in an interview that if governments were to fail to reach a climate deal in Copenhagen, it could lead to a collapse of the carbon market which would hit efforts to deal with climate change.
Reds Turn Green in Copenhagen | CFACT.TV
“They claim they’re green beacuse they’re to yellow admit they’re reds”, said Lord Monckton about many of the so called climate activists in his recent speech in Berlin. But not these here. The protesters you see in this Video are almost refreshingly open about their agenda.

Watch Craig Rucker, executive director of CFACT, interviewing a truly communist crowd during a rally in Copenhagen.
John Locke Foundation | The Locker Room
Quite the con artist, Foxy Loxy is smart enough to see through Chicken Little's ridiculous buncombe, and he's also smart enough to realize how easy it would be to take advantage of such earnest dupes.
BBC News - Developing nations return to Copenhagen climate talks
But talks have been limited to informal consultations on procedural issues, notably developing countries' demands for more time on the Kyoto Protocol.
Deniergate: Turning the tables on climate sceptics - environment - 14 December 2009 - New Scientist
If we are going to judge the truth of claims on the behaviour of those making them, it seems only fair to look at the behaviour of a few of those questioning the scientific consensus. There are many similar examples we did not include. We leave readers to draw their own conclusions about who to trust.
Climategate: with business interests like these are we really sure Dr Rajendra Pachauri is fit to head the IPCC? – Telegraph Blogs
Nevertheless, with the best will in the world, does the good Dr Pachauri not feel there might be certain potential conflict-of-interest issues between his role as head of the IPCC and his sundry business interests?

Oh, and while he’s mulling over that question, here are a few more of Dr Pachauri’s business interests listed below, as disclosed by Business Week.
AEI - Countering Kerry's Catastrophic Climate Claims
On November 10, 2009, Kenneth P. Green was invited to testify before the Senate Committee on Finance about global warming. A summary of his testimony appears below. During the course of his testimony, Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) asked Green a number of questions about the science of global warming. His responses are printed here.

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