Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Stern attacks Australian climate sceptics - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Meanwhile UK Independence Party leader Malcolm Pearson welcomed the Liberal Party's decision to ditch former leader Malcolm Turnbull because of his support for the ETS.

"Let us hope that Malcolm Turnbull's fall is the first political scalp of many from those who pursue this crazy warmist agenda," he said.

Lord Stern will be a key player at Copenhagen next week.

He believes that rich countries need to commit $55 billion a year to the developing world to help them tackle climate change.

In his view, that should rise to $220 billion a year by 2020.
BREAKING: ClimateGate's Jones Steps Down Pending Investigation | NewsBusters.org
With the man in the middle of the controversy now stepping down from his position, will America's press pay more attention to this matter?
NY Times Science Writer Blasts 'Smug Groupthink' Among Climategate Scientists | NewsBusters.org
Unpredictable New York Times science columnist John Tierney has again struck a blow against conventional wisdom. His Tuesday column is a scathing piece on the treasure trove of damning emails hacked from the Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia University, a hub of climatologists who believe in the theory that global warming is caused by man -- and willing to use disreputable anti-scientific tactics to further that belief.
The Associated Press: UK climate scientist to temporarily step down
[The university's Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research Trevor Davies] said there was nothing in the stolen material to suggest the peer-reviewed publications by the unit "are not of the highest-quality of scientific investigation and interpretation."

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