Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pachauri’s Pants on Fire | Whale Oil Beef Hooked | Gotcha!
I won­der when the Nobel Insti­tute are going to pull the Peace Prize awarded because of the glac­ier work? He directly lied, just like when he called the Indian Government’s researcher a prac­ti­tioner of voodoo sci­ence despite the researcher being 100% right. Time for the whole shoot­ing match to be wrapped up in fraud charges.
Now even the BBC becomes more sceptical | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
I appreciate this new caustious tone in the BBC reporting, but I’d have admired it much more back when the battle had to be won.
The IPCC’s Love Guru « Climate Audit
You can’t make this stuff up.

Rajendra Pachauri was apparently too busy to check into glaciergate problems in December. We now know why. Instead of proofreading climate articles, Pachauri has been busy launching a softcore novel about the sexual adventures of a climate expert in his late 60s
NRDC: Global Warming
[NRDC climate fraud promotion page]
Child advises IPCC | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Yet Kevin Rudd would actually approve. Honest to God, just last month in his speech at Copenhagen he told IPCC to take the advice of a six-year-old

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