Saturday, March 27, 2010

Okay, Maybe Beef Doesn't Cause More Warming than Oil... - TIME
However, for the vast majority of the scientific community, the errors that have emerged do nothing to undermine the overall consensus that climate change presents a real and pressing risk to the globe. "They have found perhaps three mistakes in the IPCC report out of, what, 1000 conclusions?" says Schneider. "That's an incredible batting average. Think about it in comparison to predictions about health care or the economy — it's better than any other human forecasting endeavor."
American Thinker: Electric Green Waste
Green initiatives are costing hard-pressed Americans billions of dollars, in the form of higher utility bills, and squandered investment in inefficient electric power generation.
Global warming: Carbon taxes, green technologies--what mix of solutions will help us?
First, I think we should have a modest price on carbon. I favor a revenue neutral carbon tax, with the money raised by it being returned to taxpayers via lower payroll taxes. I favor this for two reasons. First, because it starts everybody thinking about CO2 as a 'pollutant.' It is not, but for the practical purposes of lowering our emissions, it is convenient for us to think of it that way.
Jimmy Carter Was Better than This (Why can’t Democrats embrace a free energy market?) — MasterResource
Carter Was Pro-Drilling Compared to Obama

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