Thursday, July 08, 2010 / Comment / Editorial - Climate [swindle] politics
...the need for countries to repair towering fiscal deficits is an opening for the movement. As treasuries look for ways to raise more revenues, climate change activists should make the case for green taxes.
Cap-and-trade goes lame duck? « Green Hell Blog
So what can be done to stop a kamikaze cap-and-trade attack in the lame-duck Congress?

Republican Senate and House candidates need to make the lame-duck possibility a campaign issue. They should pressure incumbent Democratic Senate candidates to pledge they will not take action on cap-and-trade in a lame-duck session. House Democratic candidates should be pressured to express a similar sentiment in hopes that Senate Democrats who are up for election in 2012 will get the message that a lame-duck vote for cap-and-trade will be held against them next time.

There may be a reason that President Obama was silent on how he planned to press for cap-and-trade during his Oval Office address — he didn’t want to let the lame duck out of the bag.
[Ok, so how much fossil fuel did it burn?]: Chevy Volt completes 1776-mile Freedom Drive in just 3 days; EVs can't match that — Autoblog Green

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