Sunday, September 19, 2010

The powerful coalition that wants to engineer the world's climate | Environment |
Businessmen, scientists and right-wing thinktanks are joining forces to promote 'geo-engineering' ideas to cool the planet's climate, writes Clive Hamilton
It's estimated that, if whoever controls the scheme decided to stop, the back-up of greenhouse gases could see warming rebound at a rate 10-20 times faster than in the recent past, a phenomenon referred to, apparently without irony, as the "termination problem".

Once we start manipulating the atmosphere we could be trapped, forever dependent on a program of sulphur injections into the stratosphere. In that case, human beings would never see a blue sky again.
Is GISS Consistent With Statements From Climate Experts? | Real Science
GISS released this graph in July, showing unabated warming since the mid-1970s.

Is the graph consistent with this East Anglia E-Mail?
US Temperatures Having Difficulty Keeping It Up | Real Science
Despite the post-1998 upwards adjustments, US temperatures are still a full degree cooler than the warmest years of 1930s. Perhaps another dose of Viagra is needed.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: The 'Green Jobs' Fallacy of Al Gore
Al Gore's blog entry today claims that due to 'deniers' we are losing 'green jobs' to China, by pointing to a article about a US company that was able to find venture capital in China [which is another country without cap & trade that has 'failed to take action']. He neglects to mention the looming global warming catastrophe. He fails to mention the inconvenient truth that solar panels have an energy payback time of 8.7 years and thus are facilities for energy dissipation, and only provide intermittent power generation. He fails to mention that wind power does not reduce CO2 emissions and is also intermittent and impractical. Or that to supply the world with 'clean energy' would require 456,000 square miles of solar panels or 146,000,000 wind turbines covering an area equivalent to 1.5 times the size of the United States.

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