Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A New Treasure Trove Of 1970s “Global Cooling” Articles « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
Very briefly: in the 15 articles I have found so far:

* the popularity of scientists predicting an ice age is very clear up to the Feb 1979 meeting of the World Meteorological Organization
* “upcoming ice age” is the meme du jour up to 1985 at least
* there is a warmist slant in 1990 but strangely, the arguments of discussion are more or less the same still central to the debate in 2010

This collection strongly indicates that in Italy, like elsewhere, the average reader of newspapers would have had all the reasons to believe in a “global cooling consensus” for much of the 1970′s and even later.


Unknown said...

Many warmers deny that there were more than a very few scientists who believed in cooling in the 70's. in case you have not seen it scroll down to part 3 to see the late alarmist Stephen Snyder explaining about the coming ice age.

Unknown said...

forgot the link: