Sunday, December 05, 2010

Cancún climate change summit: exorcising the ghosts of Copenhagen | Environment | The Guardian
"The elephant in the room has been the ghost of Copenhagen," Colombia's envoy told the session. "We are going to lose legitimacy. How many more conferences can we have without outcomes?"
YouTube - Pachauri Debunks Myths Of IPCC Bureaucracy
12/3/10: In an interview with the Wonk Room at COP16, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, explains that the organization does its work through the entirely voluntary and free efforts of the world's top climate scientists.
RSS 2010 vs 1998 | Real Science
Dr. Hansen says that he “wouldn’t be surprised” if everyone else agrees that 2010 is the hottest year, but RSS has 2010 considerably cooler than 1998. Temperatures have plummeted since mid-November, so it would require an extraordinary extra-terrestrial event to make Hansen’s statement correct . HadCRUT also shows 1998 much warmer than 2010.
Rapid Climate Change Wiped Out The Mayans 1200 Years Ago | Real Science
Rapid climate change (which never happened before 30 years ago) wiped out the Mayan civilisation over a thousand years ago.
New York Times Reporter Spanks the UN « NoFrakkingConsensus
I’m not persuaded, though, that this was an honest mistake. After all, this isn’t the first time the UN has made this “small error.”
Quadrant Online - Climate science isn't story telling
Well, if losing the debate means that the United Kingdom adopts a sensible policy of adaptation to climate change, Canada rejects emissions limitation legislation, Japan rejects absolutely any continuation of Kyoto-style international action, and the Cancun meeting ends in disarray, then I for one shall be quite happy to keep right on blathering.

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