Monday, December 27, 2010

Govt plans for output losses due to climate change -
"But the output of the country's three main foods - rice, wheat and corn - may suffer a 37 percent decline in the second half of this century if the government fails to take effective measures to address climate change's impact," Tang said.
1990, Saturday Night Live: The Global Warming Christmas Special
Carl Sagan: Good evening, and welcome to my first Global Warming Christmas Special. It's a tradition which I fear will continue for years to come, because, the way things are going, global warming will be around for a long time. Now, here's someone else who's been around for a long time, a man who's hosted many a Christmas show himself - Mr. Dean Martin.


Bienvenido Oplas Jr said...

Yes, Asia is hit terribly by global warming now,

dino martin peters said...

Hey pallie, thanks Mr. Nelson for liftin' up the name of our Dino in this way...never was, never will be anyone as cool as the King of Cool...oh, to return to the days when Dino walked the earth...know that your post is bein' featured this very Dino-day at the ilovedinomartin Dino-blog...