Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Seals Disappear Due To Climate Change – Again | Real Science
This year it is due to too much CO2, but 90 years ago it was due to too little CO2.
New paper asserts atmospheric water vapour modulates incoming solar energy and is a negative feedback
water vapor acts with a negative feedback on temperature, not a positive one. That is, the data demonstrate that increasing the level of water vapor in the atmosphere results in a decrease of temperature, not an increase as predicted by the climate models. In essence, atmospheric water vapor acts as a thermostat.
Combet Praises China For Doubling Their CO2 Emissions | Real Science
Communist CO2 good. Capitalist CO2 bad.
Skeptic's Corner: WARNING!! Your underwear purchase may kill polar bears.!
Besides the absolute worthlessness of the proposal, what are the chances that either of these two esteemed academics have a clue as to the terrible regulatory and economic burden this would place on global industry. Not to mention the government bureaucracies which would need to be established to create, monitor and enforce it. All of which would be passed onto the consumer and taxpayers.

How narrow and and closed minded has this entire exercise in elitist academic gobbledygook thinking gone when obviously intelligent people would consider such destructive policies as somehow warranted. This is what happens when people whose sole purpose in life is to sit around and think of theoretical schemes and have virtually no clue of the real world in which they live.

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