Friday, April 22, 2011

Celebrate Earth Daze! -
Green Day: The day set aside to save the planet has become a second Halloween where we fear imaginary planetary ghouls and goblins. Greenies get the treats, but the trick has been on us.
Church leader likens inaction on climate to crucifying Christ
The Moderator of the Uniting Church Synod of NSW and ACT, the Reverend Niall Reid, said in his Easter message that climate change was the result of ''unsustainable, unfettered and unthinking addiction to economic growth'', and those who could not entertain a less destructive path were like those who sent Jesus to the Cross for expediency's sake.
Residential Solar Systems Increase Sale Prices, Study Finds -
The growth in residential solar systems, of course, is taking place on a tiny base. About a tenth of a percent of all households have photovoltaic systems, and all solar systems combined — industrial and residential and everything else, as well as concentrated-solar plants in the California deserts — amount to about two-tenths of 1 percent of all renewable electricity in the country, according to the federal Energy Information Administration. Renewable electricity, in turn, makes up about 8 percent of the electricity used in this country.

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