Friday, April 22, 2011

Discussion topic for your family's Easter dinner this year: Can we prevent Co2-induced hurricanes by using lasers to power unmanned drones?

Laser-powered drones and hybrid tanks could cut military's carbon 'bootprint' | Leo Hickman | Environment |
A Laser Charge system would enable long-term sorties to be flown and the only required downtime would be for the essential maintenance. A laser transmitter converts the power from the primary source (generator, battery or AC source) into a monochromatic beam of light. This is then collected by a specialist photovoltaic (PV) cell on the UAV/ UCAV and then converted to power as is conventional for the PV cell.


Anonymous said...

Lasers don't power anything. Anyone who thinks they do is . . . impaired in some way. Lasers . . . require . . . power. Probably one could hook it up to the neighborhood grid powered by your local coal fired plant.

Happy Easter

Anonymous said...

And of course we can't have nuclear power, because as we have seen, there's a chance that every 25 years there's a bit of radiation released at one of 440 nuclear plants in the world. That's why we neet to cut back and reduce our lifestyle to pre-industrial levels. It's better to be "safe" than wealthy.