Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Global Warming Taking The Wind Out Of Tornadoes - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data, for example, show the number of strong to violent (F3-to-F5) tornadoes have been sharply declining since the mid-1970s. From 1967 through 1977 at least 30 F3-to-F5 tornadoes assaulted the U.S. each year, with an annual average of 50. Nearly 120 F3-to-F5 tornadoes struck the U.S. in 1974 alone. By comparison, merely 26 F3-to-F5 tornadoes have struck the U.S. on average each year since the turn of the century. The frequency of strong-to-violent tornadoes has been cut in half during the past 40 years.

These numbers are very important, as F3-to-F5 tornadoes produce the vast majority of damage and inflict the overwhelming majority of human casualties each year.
Gillard says Greens must get rid of extremists | Herald Sun
Environmentalism as a vehicle for extreme anti-capitalist anti-globalisation ideology is reaching its use-by date. What people want is sensible environmentalism, of the type that Patrick Moore, a founder of Greenpeace, espouses in his new book, Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout.
We're all greenies at heart. But extremists and climate alarmists who have hijacked the green movement have done incalculable damage to the cause of sensible environmentalism.

Mainstream political parties who align themselves with the extremists are destined for extinction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This comment: "Gillard says Greens must get rid of extremists | Herald Sun" and Stern saying that the firewall between developing and developed countries must end and that "“Legally binding international obligations to cut emissions are not necessary" look to me like a new direction in talking points.

I've got tons of links that show AGW being used to redistribute wealth, take our tech, and install a global government and have been posting this info all over the web with the links to back them up.

Keep an eye open for more of these new talking points. I bet they spotted their calls for redistribution and global government and are now informing each other that these calls are harmful to their agenda 21.