Wednesday, June 08, 2011

NPR: Remember when we told you that several cold winters were meaningless "weather"? We just decided that a few hot days are super-meaningful "climate"

Soaring Temps Wilt East Coast, Shorten School Days : NPR
Get used to it: A new study from Stanford University offers the latest forecast that global climate change will lead to a permanent shift to unusually hot summers in the coming years.
As the heat wave has pushed east, it has crushed previous record highs in St. Louis and St. Paul, Minn., where the mercury reached 102 degrees on Tuesday and finally melted a giant snow pile in a Sears parking lot.


PPH Services said...

ugh...the whole global warming thing is so old...IF th world is really getting hotter than its not because of us!

PPH Services said...

ugh, the whole global warming thing is such a mess..