Saturday, July 09, 2011

Warmer Temperatures Mean Less Rain | Real Science
One of the big climate lies of 2011 has been that warmer temperatures cause more rain. Naomi Klein repeated that nonsense today about flooding in Montana, and of course failed to mention that it has been an exceptionally cold year in the Northwest states.

The graph below plots annual rainfall vs. temperature for all years in the NCDC Montana record. It is quite clear that warmer temperatures do not correlate with more rainfall.
For all that pain, here’s a calculation of the gain | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
So the calculations. Gillard’s massive taxes and billions in subsidies for green powers will over the next decade avert 0.00024 degrees of warming, providing she does all she claims she will, and provided global warming theory works as advertised.

And to achieve even that, how much will Gillard have to rachet up her tax over the next decade?
Heat And Drought Killing Yellowstone Elk | Real Science
2011 has been the fifth wettest and twenty-second coldest year on record in Wyoming.
April-June Was The Coldest On Record In Oregon | Real Science
Last year, the same period was the 11th coldest on record.

According to the world’s top-rated climate scientist, last year was also the hottest year humans have ever seen.

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