Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dozens More Arrested in Tar Sands Pipeline Protests: Gulf Coast Residents Speak Out | ThinkProgress
Bill Watson, a professor at University of Southern Mississippi, was relatively pleased with the media coverage. With a number of German media outlets present, he remarked that “we’ve done pretty well in European media. Certainly we’re all over the web; Huff-Po is on this, New York Times editorials are speaking to this. I think we’re getting about as much as we can hope, and it has only just started. I think that the media attention will improve as becomes clear that these crazy folks are here every day.”
William M. Briggs, Statistician » Your Belief In God Is Causing Your Denial Of AGW
Donner’s main problem is to fail to acknowledge the complexity behind “belief” or “denial” in man-made global warming. Admitting that mankind influences climate is far different than agreeing that the effects of a changed climate are known with high certainty, that these effects will be universally deleterious, and that only the solutions offered by the left to “save the planet” are viable.

When a citizen is asked if he “believes” in AGW, it’s safer to say no, since it’s not clear what the question means, and since he won’t be certain the person who’s asking him isn’t using the question as an excuse to latch onto his wallet.
President Obama Explains the Science Behind Climate Change and Extreme Weather | ThinkProgress
this is from February 2010
Al Fin: Planet Earth at the Mercy of Mysterious Cosmic Forces
The multi-billion dollar climate orthodoxy has relied on poorly conceived computer models of climate, GIGO trash compactors. The orthodoxy has compounded its mistakes by pressuring science journals, and climate scientists, not to publish research which could be seen as contradicting the orthodox carbon hysteric point of view. Eventually, the facts behind the unsavoury and unscientific behind-the-scenes maneuvers of powerful insiders such as Phil Jones, Michael Mann, Kevin Trenberth, etc., will come to light -- despite the large scale politically correct attempts to cover up.

In the mean time, we can only hope that genuine scientific work will continue, against the groupthink currents of political groups such as the IPCC etc.

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