Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's next for cap-and-trade in NJ - BusinessWeek
"Even though the governor has won round one, lost round two, has now won round three, there are still two or three more rounds to go," said Jeff Tittel, who runs the state chapter of the Sierra Club.
Taking the suits to the street and protesting Keystone XL | Grist
I've been active in the climate fight for several years now...I've gotten to travel to some amazing places...I can see and hear an amazing grassroots movement growing stronger by the day.
David Turnbull is Exec. Director of the Climate [Scam] Action Network
Perry and Global Warming - National Review Online
Given the growing body of evidence showing that human activity has little if anything to do with global warming, it is time to stop questioning Governor Perry’s beliefs and turn the questions the other way. It would be good to hear the media ask candidates who support the tenets of global-warming theory why they believe it is worth putting a huge and unsustainable burden on an already weak economy. Make no mistake about it, the warmist agenda aims at nothing less than a curtailment of individual freedoms and the further destruction of our economy. You can’t be rich if you’re energy poor. When did this become something Republicans could support? For that matter, when did it become something thinking Democrats could support?

The warmists always claim to be great believers in science and math. So here is a math problem I want them to solve. We know that GDP and carbon use are closely correlated. In fact, given the current state of technology, the 60 to 80 percent reduction in carbon emissions the warmists call for would reduce our GDP by approximately 40 percent. The problem therefore is simple: How are the warmists going to find employment for the people thrown out of work by a downturn twice as deep as the Great Depression?
Twitter / @BigJoeBastardi
Again, someone is right and someone is wrong on climate change. Its a simple matter, and we are finding out now.this is agenda driven drivel

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