Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The Y2K Scare, the Media & Climate Change « NoFrakkingConsensus
So what did the media learn from the embarrassing Y2K episode?

Judging by the way it proceeded to cover climate change, zilch. Nada. Nothing at all. Take a peek at this 2006 Time magazine story (backup link here). On a single page it screeches about Earth at the tipping point, declares that the planet is ill, fragile, fighting a fever and has finally got a bellyful of us. For heaven’s sake.

Oh, and isn’t it sweet that the main image for that Time story was supplied by Greenpeace?
James E. Hansen Worshipper Gets Debunked
Thanks Ed for this fine job of debunking junk science. – PG
Climate Forecasting Models Aren’t Pretty, And They Aren’t Smart - Larry Bell - The Bell Tells for You - Forbes
Anyone who says they can confidently predict global climate changes or effects is either a fool or a fraud.
Ethanol Tax Credit More Likely to Expire
The much bigger problem with ethanol is still the renewable fuel standard. This fight will manifest itself in future years as virtually every related industry outside of those who produce ethanol revolt against higher blends of ethanol entering the fuel supply (this assumes that ethanol does not become cost competitive with petroleum, if it does, the government would do best to get out of the way).

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