Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Airlines pile pressure on EU to scrap carbon tax - CNN.com
[ATAG's Paul Steele] says a "patchwork" of taxes, emissions trading schemes and other measures is emerging, creating an administrative "nightmare" that will end up costing the industry billions.

"(It) is a nightmare in terms of administration, layering of costs and double counting and double payment of the same emissions. And this is reality, this is what we're staring at right now," he said.
"It is now... | Jay Leno
‎"It is now officially Fall -- or as the Republican presidential candidates call it…the end of global warming." #LenoMono
Greenland Unfrozen By Ideology - HUMAN EVENTS
In other words, one guy did some completely unsupported spitballing about melting Himalayan glaciers… and the global-warming fear machine turned it into a planetary panic that lasted nearly a decade, before anyone in the “science is settled” crowd got around to asking where that IPCC report came from.

It’s refreshing to see climate scientists grow sufficiently worried about their remaining credibility to show “outrage” at the band of over-zealous true believers who drew Greenland wrong in the Comprehensive Atlas of the World. There was a time, not long ago, when their “outrage” was reserved entirely for apostates.
Benny Peiser: Shale Gas Is Britain's Golden Opportunity
The discovery of 200 trillion cubic feet of shale gas in north-west England could revolutionise Britain's energy market

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