Monday, October 10, 2011

Climate, control theory, feedback: does it make sense? | Climate Etc.
[Richard Suamarez] Remembering AP Herbert’s famous dictum: “If nobody were to open their mouths without knowing exactly what they were talking about, a Deadly Hush would fall upon the World”, I have written a review of signal/control theory that is relevant to dynamic climate feedback.
Action item: Demand natural variability included in next round of fed climate research |
Now is the time to demand that natural variability be the focus of the U.S. Government’s climate change research program.
Quadrant Online - Klimate Kommittee Korruption?
The Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Clean Energy Future Legislation reported that it had received 326 submissions of which it published 267.

The non-published submissions it describes as either confidential or containing general views.

They can't be serious.
Lobbying for a global climate deal: a typical day at the "office" - Climate change - Our work - The RSPB Community
Guest blogger: Mel Coath, Senior Climate Change Policy Officer

The question I most often get asked when I’m off to the climate negotiations is “What do you actually do out there?” so here’s an insight into what representatives of the RSPB climate team do at the negotiations over a typical day

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