Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Reef Abides | Watts Up With That?
Even the highest CO2 levels tested, far above anything in the coming century, couldn’t stop the corals from growing, heck, it didn’t even slow them down. In other words, life wins out once more, against all odds. Gotta love it.
Are Evangelicals or University Professors More Irrational? | Dennis Prager
With regard to man-made global warming, the accusation that all skeptics are anti-science is despicable and, indeed, anti-science. The list of prominent scientists who dissent — including the scientist widely considered the dean of climate science in America, Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology — is so long that there are entire websites that feature their names and credentials: There’s a Wikipedia page titled “List of Scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming” and a website called PetitionProject.org.

The authors of the Times op-ed piece, like virtually all other left-wing intellectuals who comment on the subject, dismiss all skepticism regarding the Al Gore​ hypothesis that humanity is headed toward a worldwide apocalypse due to heat resulting from man-made carbon emissions. This is a reflection on these intellectuals’ politics, not on their commitment to science.
New England Fall Foliage: Why bright red leaves are in danger. - Slate Magazine
Both climatologists and phenologists—who study the effects of seasonal changes on plants and animals—are becoming increasingly concerned about the effect of rising temperatures on Thoreau’s spectacular “autumnal tints."
Twitter / @Kaneshow
Went to grandmothers house to investigate her claim that birds stopped singing b/c of global warming.. Turns out she needs a hearing aid

1 comment:


Climatologists and phenologists?

Thought it said phrenologists--which would have been repetitive.