Thursday, November 03, 2011

Warmist Jess Zimmerman tries to make us feel better about grad students being IPCC lead authors: LOTS of grad students are behind large federally-funded climate hoax projects

Fox, don’t make fun of grad students, they just made a terrible life choice | Grist
Okay, the U.S. government contributes $2.3 million dollars to the IPCC (that's with an "m," but we understand if Fox News is still working on the alphabet). The National Science Foundation has eight grants for active large-scale climate projects that are bigger than that (sometimes WAY bigger, and it's also worth noting that sometimes the same projects have multiple grants). You can bet your student loan bill those projects make heavy use of graduate student work and graduate student writing. Come to think of it, my husband's physics experiment has gotten more than $2.3 million from the NSF, and so far all the papers to come out of it have been written by grad students.

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