Thursday, November 10, 2011

Warmist: "I will probably enjoy a drink of expensive scotch when Marc Morano, James Inhofe, and Steve Milloy kick the bucket"

Investment and other financial matters » Blog Archive » Re: "The blue-dress moment may have arrived"

Second, it might be unpolitical to say that you’ll be happy when someone died, or that Steve McIntyre and Anthony Watts are pricks and assholes, but that doesn’t make the statements a scandal. I personally was happy when former Senator Jesse Helms died, and I will probably enjoy a drink of expensive scotch when Marc Morano, James Inhofe, and Steve Milloy kick the bucket. And I’ve got no problem calling someone like Joe D’Aleo a liar or Steve Milloy an oxygen thief. If that makes me a bad person, well, I’m OK with that.


snorbert zangox said...

Those comments do not mean that you are a bad person. However, they do make me wonder about your intelligence.

Joe said...

And I, for one, will continue to enjoy expensive single malt Scotch while the gentlemen in question are very much alive as am I.

Anonymous said...

These comments mean, that the peole saying them, Global warming alarmists, cant win the argument because they dont have the facts to back them up so they will win by silencing the reasoned sicence that refutes their irrational theories.