Monday, January 30, 2012

Email 1335, Nov 2005, Michael "Robust Debate" Mann on the prospect of attending a workshop also attended by a guy who disagrees with him: "If Zorita is in, I am out!'

Email 1335

cc: Phil Jones
, Keith Briffa , Heinz Wanner date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 10:26:33 -0500 from: "Michael E. Mann" subject: Re: Workshop: Participants/ 1. Circular to: Christoph Kull


Can I please have an explanation of what happened here???? You sent out a list yesterday of partipipants that we had all agreed upon. Today, you sent out emails to a DIFFERENT list, inviting an additional participant (Zorita) who we SPECIFICALLY DISCUSSED and decided (as I understood it) would not be invited because of personality conflict issues. At the very least, this needed further discussion, not unilateral overruling without notice.

I'd like an explanation of what happened here. I do not believe that this event will be constructive and amicable with Zorita's participation. If the recommendaitons of the organizers are not going to be followed, I am unsure I can participate in or endorse this event. If Zorita is in, I am out!


Email 4862, Keith Briffa to the whining Mann

We simply will not allow you to withdraw . You know perfectly well that you are too important in all this to take such action. If it requires my talking to Eduardo and getting him to withdraw , then so be it.

1 comment:

Luboš Motl said...

That's incredible. Too bad that much like other people with a dictatorial obsession, he knew too well that the environment would prefer to harm everyone else and screw the society over sending Mann out - out of everything because this individual has no right to steal space in this Universe.