Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gaia' scientist James Lovelock: I was 'alarmist' about climate change | Mail Online
The admission comes as a devastating blow to proponents of climate change who regard Lovelock as a powerful figurehead.
- Bishop Hill blog - Quote of the day
...science writer and academic Ben Goldacre would rather slam his “cock in a door” than engage in a phony debate with climate change deniers.  [Just for the record, I'd choose the debate; no question]
Norway’s former PM cautions Canada not to take a naive position on climate change - The Globe and Mail
Gro Harlem Brundtland, former prime minister of Norway, was keynote speaker on Monday at the International Polar Year conference in Montreal. Dr. Brundtland has headed the World Health Organization and served as a UN climate change envoy.
In her speech, she said warming temperatures have dramatically affected the globe’s polar regions. The Arctic Ocean ice has shrunk and will likely disappear within 30 to 40 years, permafrost is thawing, and Antarctica is losing ice and witnessing above-average warming in the Southern Ocean, she said.
“The Polar Regions are now being drawn into the rest of the world at a much accelerated pace,” she said.
[Q] The scientific basis for climate change has come under attack in Canada. Alberta’s Wildrose Party believes the link between human activity and global warming is inconclusive. How do you respond?
[A] That is anti-scientific and naive. Politicians and others that question the science, that’s not the right thing to do. We have to base ourselves on evidence.
...Norway is an oil-and-gas producing nation with a strong environmental policy.
Michael den Tandt: Win or lose, Danielle Smith has shown us she has guts
As for climate change: How can it be possible that even now, with a vigorous debate underway among climatologists about the reliability of climate models, about the still undetermined role of solar fluctuations in determining the Earth's temperature and about the absence of discernible global warming for the past 15 years, that any serious person can still take it as inviolable dogma that the scientific debate is past? Don't these people read?
If nothing else, Danielle Smith has shown that she has a spine, even in the 11th hour, with all the marbles riding on the outcome.

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