Wednesday, May 02, 2012

The ‘reasonable middle’ on climate change | Grist

given our current trajectory and the bulk of the evidence, overall, we have a pretty damn good idea that climate change is going to suck. The negative impacts will far outweigh the positive impacts.

(40) Twitter / Search - "global warming" OR "climate change" OR "al gore"

Earth mean radius in km? Engineer: 6,300±100. Physicist: 6,371. change activist scientist: 6,370.75325488731843 (average of models)

A better case for Keystone XL - The Washington Post

THE CASE FOR ultimately approving the Keystone XL pipeline — always strong — has grown stronger.

Why Fighting Coal Export Terminals Matters | ThinkProgress

The question for climate hawks is: What happens if exports can’t rise fast enough? More to the point, what happens if climate activists are able to block, slow, or at least raise the political and economic costs of coal exports? The happy answer would be that U.S. coal companies wither and a good bit of U.S. coal stays in the ground.

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