Thursday, June 28, 2012

The UHI’s of Texas are upon you | Watts Up With That?

it is not surprising to see that the state of Texas has very little trend while Texas cities have a significantly greater trend.

Preachable Moments: Evangelical Christians and Climate Change | The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media

Cizik, who now leads the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, points to changing demographics as a reason evangelical views on climate are changing. “Climate change is a top-tier issue for younger evangelicals,” he said

National Academy, USGS See Above Normal U.S. Sea Level Rises | The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media

The projected one-meter (about 39 inches) increase over the next century south of Cape Mendocino, in far-northern California, is “slightly higher” than projected global sea level increases.

- Bishop Hill blog - UK Conference of Science Journalists

[Doug Keenan] During the question period, someone stated that science journalists should be cheerleading science, and that fraud is very rare, and anyway science is self-correcting. More generally, many people there genuinely believed that almost all scientists are virtually always honest. Those people work with science all day, and yet they seem to have no clue about how science really operates. Overall, I found the session stunningly disheartening: there is an enormous way to go, to get many journalists to appreciate what reality is.

I pointed out that all the examples of fraud given by the speakers were in medical science. I noted that in the UK, during the past half century, there does not seem to have been a single case where a non-medical researcher has been officially found to have committed fraud. That is clearly unreasonable. Consider much smaller groups of respected people: members of parliament, Catholic priests, police detectives—in each instance, we know that during half a century, at least a few of them will have committed serious crimes.

I also described how I once reported a fraud at the University of Reading. The university refused to investigate: I was told that the university had no procedures for investigating such allegations, because their professors always act with integrity.

The conclusion is that there is no accountability. I said that there were some fields of science where half the research publications were bogus.

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