Thursday, July 26, 2012

Twitter / billmckibben: an inspiring fast to call ...
an inspiring fast to call attention to climate change
Fast for the Earth
The Fast for the Earth will begin on August 1, 2012. Our goal is to have at least one person or group somewhere in the world fasting for the Earth every single day, until the Earth is once again treated with respect. Individual participants may fast however they wish and for as long as they wish (only experienced fasters should abstain from food for longer than a day or two).
The carbon tax: insurance against climate change? |
Only if you think paying many multiples of the insured risk in annual premiums is a form of insurance. In fact it is simply a straight cost with no benefit. The insurance analogy is one of the most stupid ploys in the warmists’ arsenal and boy, it faces some stiff competition for such a title.
Twitter / RichardTol: The IPCC has no business s ...
The IPCC has no business seeking to influence the laws of its member states
Twitter / RichardTol: It is an outrage that the ...
It is an outrage that the IPCC seeks to interfere in UK law
Twitter / UN_CarbonMechs: VIDEO: Luz Verde was the 1 ...
VIDEO: Luz Verde was the 1st #CDM lighting project. In 2009 they delivered 1,000,000 CFL's to households in Mexico:
Twitter / BigJoeBastardi: Why is it 1 study has lead ...
Why is it 1 study has lead to national policy,in the face of leveling temps,to go off the deep end, & so much contrary evidence is out there

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