Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Vladivostok is breaking records for cold weather
VLADIVOSTOK. October 23...Vladivostok summer suddenly turned into an icy winter. In the past year, if you do not remember at this time was a classic clear-golden autumn sun. And forecasters Two: Weather in Vladivostok for the long series of observations (1917-2011 gg.) October 23, was always warm. The minimum temperature is minus 6 º C was recorded in 1942. History turned around? ..
Errors in IPCC climate science » Blog Archive » Australia’s Antarctic supply ship “RSV Aurora Australis” – icebound
Despite all modern navigation conveniences – the ice must just sneak up.
Climate not a significant factor in East African conflicts | Watts Up With That?
Climate science figured out what any city beat cop knows. In street terms, the “crips and the bloods” don’t read the thermometer when they are packing heat, but when it is raining they tend to stay off the streets.
Twitter / MLiebreich: "@guardianeco: UK public favours ...

": UK public favours wind turbines over shale gas, poll finds " <-- & UK needs to up community wind benefits

Twitter / cwhope: .@mliebreich Missing 1 vital ...
.@mliebreich Missing 1 vital fact: How many wind turbines to equal power output of 1 shale gas well?
Twitter / PlanktonMath: @cwhope indeed. The poll is ...
@cwhope indeed. The poll is all wrong. You need to ask people who in live in areas with proposals.
Twitter / PlanktonMath: @cwhope 90% of people live ...
@cwhope 90% of people live in cities. Asking them if they support wind nearby is pointless.

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