Saturday, March 09, 2013

1921 : Heat, Prolonged Drought, Glaciers Melting, Snakes .. | Real Science
Before NOAA data tampering, 1921 was the hottest year in US history.
The US Used To Be Much Hotter | Real Science
There are 829 US HCN stations which have been continuously active since at least 1920. Fifty percent of their all time record maximums were set during the 1930s. Eighty percent of the records were set before 1960.
Another Hockey Stick Smoking Gun | Real Science
Jones says that most of the rise since 1860 was due to natural causes – which can mean only one of two things

Something radically changed in the climate system around 150 years ago.
The hockey stick temperature reconstruction is garbage

The first possibility is absurd, which leaves only #2 – the hockey stick is garbage. There is no reason to believe that the last third of the warming is any different than the first two thirds.
Twitter / Revkin
Closing half [ green] blogs [now] is sort of like firing half.its foreign correspondents in 1942
Twitter / RichardTol
@Revkin that sort of silly if not offensive hyperbole is one of the reasons people stopped reading environmental "journalism" @ryanlcooper

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