Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Hilary Ostrov: Are we really sure that human-generated CO2 can trump any possible natural factors that caused the Canadian Arctic to be warm enough for camels?

Giant ancient camel remains discovered in Canadian Arctic | National Post
Slight changes in the Earth’s orbit are believed to have triggered a global temperature rise of two to three degrees about 3.5 million years ago. Due to poorly understood feedback mechanisms in the climate system, the warming was greatly amplified in the Arctic with temperatures on Ellesmere rising 14 to 22 C, allowing the forests — and camels — to move north.
[Related comment by Hilary Ostrov] | Climate Etc.
Can you imagine how distraught Hansen, Holdren, Ehrlich and their ilk – not to mention the alarmist denizens in our midst – would have been had they lived 3.5 million years ago – when there were camels in the Canadian Arctic?
But no doubt, if the Earth’s orbit is still changing en route, and if Mother Nature continues on her merry way, doing her own thing in her own good time, human-generated CO2 will trump any possible impact either of these could have, right?!

1 comment:

J Bonington Jagworth said...

Go back to 50m years ago, and there was no ice at either pole, and forests in the Antarctic. I heard a geologist say this was the planet's 'natural state'...