Friday, May 10, 2013

The Bob Inglis quote that should end any hope he ever had of winning another Republican primary: "Somewhere along the way, conservatism became, 'I've got a God-given right to drive my SUV wherever I want to go, and we'll send somebody else's kids to the Middle East to fight for it"

On climate, GOP turns from concern to denial - Houston Chronicle
"Somewhere along the way, conservatism became, 'I've got a God-given right to drive my SUV wherever I want to go, and we'll send somebody else's kids to the Middle East to fight for it," said former South Carolina Rep. Bob Inglis, a Republican who lost his 2010 primary election over global warming and now runs the Energy and Enterprise Initiative, where he is pushing for a price on carbon pollution.
Bob Inglis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He is a member of the Republican Party


papertiger said...

Yeah but it's just the cover he uses.

Like the Land Shark knocking at the door saying, "Telegram".

@ Bob Inglis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He is a member of the Republican Party

papertiger said...

People like Inglis tend to hide behind media matters type comment cleaners, so invariably stumble along blindly following their self interest without ever examining the premis.

Even the Chron article you link is heavily moderated, with comments that challenge the global warming stance of the article posted, commented upon by third parties (one could say "attacked by" resident apparatchik), then removed by staff.

You know what would be interesting?
If Bob Ingles would write an essay for WUWT, telling us what caused him to believe global warming is a reality, outside of the bulls*** make believe forums of the democrats.
Let's hear it Bob. See if your arguments can convince someone, anyone, who isn't already a wool eyed camp follower, and open your position to people who can answer back without the media edit.

If he can't do that, why in the world would anyone in their right mind listen to what he has to say in a Huffington Post type Houston Chron environment?

Fact is a person doesn't go to the Houston Chron Editorial to convince Republicans. Fact is the Chron is the place you would go to shiv Republicans in the back.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for Trey Gowdy !!!