Thursday, December 12, 2013


Will city warm to a costly climate plan? |
The plan seems to have other agendas, also, even as it skirts the issue of costs and benefits. A top action item champions green jobs, which “represent an opportunity for workers to organize into unions in high-growth industries … .” One chapter focuses on “social equity” and the harm global warming causes poor people and minorities.
A Groundswell of Climate Activists | Rev. Michael Dowd
The group is The Great March for Climate Action. From March through early November 2014, two hundred or more intrepid activists will march from Santa Monica California through the desert southwest, then up the Colorado Rockies and across the Great Plains, skirting the south side of the Great Lakes, aiming to arrive in Washington D.C. just before the elections.
5 million Euros for Sierra Leone to become REDD + ready  | Sierra Express Media
The Minster revealed that the project has received five million Euros which according to him will go a long way to help Sierra Leone become REDD + ready, as it will be able to utilize the stated amount and solve the hazards of climate change.
Stop global warming now! Venice, Hong Kong, St. Petersburg to sink by end of century
By the end of the 21st century the water is sure to rise by 1 meter. There is nothing to do about it.

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