
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

CFACT parachutes into Durban Climate Conference - YouTube

 Skydivers jump to draw attention to Climategate 2.0 scandal.

Jerry Sandusky and Michael Mann - Much In Common? | General

Now I don't want to compare Michael Mann to an alleged child abuser such as Jerry Sandusky. What is worth pointing out however is that Penn State apparently covered up child rape to protect their reputation. If they did that for Sandusky - it seems clear and Climategate 2.0 confirms that their internal inquiry into Michael Mann was worthless. And it is worth asking what further climate shenanigans they are covering up.

Climategate 2.0: an AR5 Perspective « Climate Audit

The IPCC AR5 Zero Draft summarize the present evidence on precipitation extremes over the past millennium as follows:

Overall, multiple studies suggest that current drought and flood regimes are not unusual within the context of last 1000 years [(e.g., Cook et al., 2010; Seager et al., 2008; Graham et al., 2010)].

I expect that this finding is not one that will be heavily promoted by WWF or Greenpeace.

- Bishop Hill blog - Mann the barricades

Michael Mann's talk at TED has just hit the ether. It's a pretty political piece, and I do wonder about TED allowing their brand to be used in this way.

Please try to avoid ranting in the comments.  [16-minute video]

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