
Thursday, December 08, 2011

Climate Common Sense: Solar Panels overloading electricity grid!

Any power system designer could have foreseen the problems with reverse feeding single phase power onto a distribution network. The system is just not designed for it  and when all solar panels in a street are at maximum output at midday the unbalanced power can saturate transformers with unpleasant results. The whole silly "rip off your neighbour" solar panel scheme needs to be scrapped as the electricity generated is incredibly expensive as shown in the US analysis below. In Queensland the solar costs are twice that shown because of the policy forcing retailers to buy solar at inflated prices of 10 times the cost of coal generation.

BBC's bias on global warming: An inconvenient truth about climate change | Mail Online

[Booker] Above all, however, the BBC has betrayed the trust of its audience, by failing to give a fair and balanced picture.

This has become a national scandal. It is time we called this pampered, self-important organisation to account for having misinformed us for too long.  

Chinese 2,485 year tree ring study shows shows natural cycles control climate, temps may cool til 2068 « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

A blockbuster Chinese study of Tibetan tree rings by Lui et al 2011 shows, with detail, that the modern era is a dog-standard normal climate when compared to the last 2,500 years. The temperature, the rate of change — it’s all been seen before. Nothing about the current period is “abnormal”, indeed the current warming period in Tibet can be produced through calculation of cycles. Lui et al do a Fourier analysis on the underlying cycles and do brave predictions as well.

Climate Common Sense: The Mouse that Roared!

Greg Combet is puffing himself up and threatening to withdraw from the next round of Kyoto playing tough like the big boys on the block which is ridiculous because unlike the others our Government  has already assumed the position for the warmists with the carbon tax and really has nothing left to withdraw -the damage has already been done. Australia no longer has a dog in this particular fight thanks to Gillard and crew caving in to the Greens.

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