
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Small farmers crave horse power | Grist

Farmers may choose to lead draft animals for sustainability reasons, but they quickly learn it also changes the pace of the operation. [Ya think?]

Poorer countries overtake rich world's consumption carbon footprint | Duncan Clark | Environment |

The financial crisis of 2009 saw the developing world's carbon emissions from consumption shoot past the developed world's years earlier than expected, new research shows

Binding climate deal may be beyond reach, UN chief says - World - CBC News

"We must keep up the momentum," he said. "It would be difficult to overstate the gravity of this moment. Without exaggeration, we can say the future of our planet is at stake."

Heads in the Sand - Coral Davenport -

Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., a moderate elder statesman who is deeply respected among his party’s old guard, has long been on the record with his worries about the effects of climate change. He signed up his 604-acre farm to participate in the (now defunct) volunteer Chicago Climate Exchange cap-and-trade program, and he has not changed his views about climate science—even though he is expected to be a tea party target in 2012. Lugar calls the Washington climate-change debate “very ill-informed.”

Iceland Review Online: Daily News from Iceland, Current Affairs, Business, Politics, Sports, Culture

Reykjavík hasn’t seen as low temperatures for this time of year in half a century.

Freeze Warning for Citrus Growers - KGPE CBS47 Fresno

The state's annual citrus crop is valued at about 2 billion dollars and in 2007, the Central Valley was hit hard with record cold temperatures causing around 1-billion dollars in damage.

Mind games on global warming | SmartPlanet

the masses aren’t the ones setting climate policy

Newt: Evidence 'on both sides' of climate change debate - Maggie Haberman -

When Beck asked him more pointedly if he believes humans are causing global warming, Gingrich avoided the question.

"I never believed in Al Gore's fantasies," he said, adding that he was opposed to cap-and-trade legislation.

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