
Thursday, December 08, 2011

When Your Paycheque Depends on a Climate Crisis « NoFrakkingConsensus

In other words, there is now a small – perhaps even middling-sized – army of people around the world whose economic lives depend on the rest of us believing that climate catastrophe is just around the corner. If we were to liberate ourselves from climate fear and anxiety they’d all be out of work. Their travel to exotic places, their moments in the media spotlight – and a significant portion of their self-identities – would all disappear.

So these people have no choice but to continue onward. They will keep holding meetings and will keep writing papers that attempt to convince the rest of us that a climate regime is necessary.

Shocker: Obama’s Green-Car-Initiative is Failing, Too - By Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore - National Review Online

The Washington Post catches up to Henry Payne:

More Evidence Of Declining Snow Cover In The Southwest | Real Science

Wolf Creek Ski Area is located in southwestern Colorado. They set the record this year for the earliest opening in Colorado history, and have already received over fifteen feet of snow this autumn.

Text To Send Money To Greedy Corporation Who Spews Massive Amounts Of CO2 Every Day | Real Science

Every time you open a Coke can, the CO2 bubbles drown a Polar bear and three Penguins, and roast two Pikas.

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