
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bummer: We're fat, starving, throwing away our food, and paying farmers not to farm

Jeremy Grantham on 'Welcome to Dystopia': We Are 'Entering A Long-Term And Politically Dangerous Food Crisis' | ThinkProgress
Summary of the Summary: We are five years into a severe global food crisis that is very unlikely to go away. It will threaten poor countries with increased malnutrition and starvation and even collapse. Resource squabbles and waves of food-induced migration will threaten global stability and global growth. This threat is badly underestimated by almost everybody and all institutions with the possible exception of some military establishments.
Experts: 30 to 50 percent of world's food thrown away - World news - World environment -
'No matter how sustainable the farming is, if the food's not getting eaten, it's not sustainable and it's not a good use of our resources'
The REAL Cause of the Global Obesity Epidemic
Some 68% of all Americans are overweight, and obesity has almost doubled in the last couple of decades worldwide.
Demand Strong for Government Program Paying Farmers Not to Plant Crops - Real Time Economics - WSJ
About 30 million acres are now idled under the program, but the 6.5-million-acre exodus will be the largest ever. The USDA spends about $1.8 billion a year on the program, paying “rent” to land owners.

1 comment:


    Wait! What? When steeply rising cereal yields flatten for ten years it's a major world catastrophe - but when global temperatures flatten for 15 years that's a statistical irrelevence?
