
Monday, October 08, 2012

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: New Paper: Normalized Tornado Damage in the United States: 1950-2011
On climate time scales there is no indication of increasing incidence of tornadoes, and the increases documented over the short (sub-climate) period 2000-2011 are strongly influenced by the large number of events documented in 2011. However, the decreased frequency of high damage events in recent decades as compared to previous decades is a notable feature in the time series and provides strong counter-evidence to claims found in the scientific literature that the atmospheric environment that spawns tornadoes has intensified leading to more intense events on climate time scales (e.g., Trenberth, 2012). Such claims are commonly found in the popular media and also in the insurance/reinsurance sector where they influence public opinion and decision making in business and government. The most recent review by the IPCC found no basis for claiming an increase (or decrease) in tornado incidence or intensity (IPCC, 2012)."
Twitter / BigJoeBastardi: US and Europe committing economic ...
US and Europe committing economic suicide by buying into extremist AGW agenda.Look at facts, then vote to make your nation strong
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Will the fossil fuel barons outdo the cigarette industry, killing 100 million by 2020? If Mittwit elected, surely yes!
Twitter / PaulREhrlich: Will the fossil fuel barons ...
Will the fossil fuel barons outdo the cigarette industry, killing 100 million by 2020? If Mittwit elected, surely yes!
Twitter / EUClimateAction: EU Commissioner @CHedegaardEU ...
EU Commissioner officially launched new climate campaign

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