
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spiegel (Unwittingly) Confirms Its Undeniable Movement Away From Climate Catastrophism!
Now man only “has an influence on the climate change process“. Wouldn’t you say that’s a very profound position correction by Spiegel? My, how the times have changed!

Of course Spiegel won’t admit this outright.
Why Climate Feedbacks Cannot be Regional « Roy Spencer, PhD
Feedbacks can only be evaluated over entire vertical circulation systems, and since these systems are interconnected around the world without clear boundaries, feedbacks really only make sense in the global average.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: California's coming Green-Outs
The wind and solar mandate means future power shortages.

WSJ.COM 3/30/13: Regulate first, think later. That seems to be the guiding principle of California policy makers. Take the state's renewable energy standard, which will soon cause a surge in electricity prices and could even lead to rolling blackouts when the weather heats up.
Twitter / MikeSeager: Humanity prospered during the ...
Humanity prospered during the warm periods and suffered during the cold ones. The climate has never been and will never be stable #cdnpoli
Man is fallen and will destroy the Earth – but at least we greens made him wait - Comment - Voices - The Independent
This will be my last week as Environment Editor after 15 years at The Independent.
It has been a privilege to work for a newspaper which puts the environment first

1 comment:

  1. When I was a child I've read the 'Spiegel'. Now I'm old and I see that 'Spiegel' -- as well as many/all other MainStreamMedia -- is a POS (that article is Lewandowsky crap).
