
Friday, May 31, 2013


Al Gore: ‘Climate crisis shouldn’t be partisan’ — Flashback 2 weeks: ‘GOP deniers willfully blind’ |

The Great Climate Change Scam – The Decline In A Month Is Incredible | Tory Aardvark
The old saying goes that a week in politics is a long time, well a month in the Anthropogenic Global Warming industry equates to several years of decline, as the move away from Green foolishness and stupidity accelerates in the last bastion of the Church of Climatology, Europe.
Twitter / RogerPielkeJr: The most important thing for ...
The most important thing for economic growth in India? "It's power, power, power"
Obama’s Climate Khmer Rouge: U.S. cons Cambodia into foregoing electricity to cut emissions |
Cambodians may want to leave while the leavin’s good.
Solar Panel Concerns Fuel Worries about Reliability
Despite the rise in the number of failures and increasing doubts about the solar industry’s viability from the industry’s own executives, the Obama Administration continues to support the solar energy industry. Recently, the President announced a plan to make permanent subsidies for solar panels. In light of these clear concerns, such policies are indicative of the administration’s relentless zeal for ineffective solutions at the expense of taxpayers.

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