
Thursday, May 30, 2013


Voluntary CO2 market value falls 11 pct despite volume rise - News - Point Carbon
BARCELONA, May 30 (Reuters Point Carbon) – The value of trade in the voluntary carbon market fell 11 percent in 2012 to $523 million, as lower prices for credits outweighed an increase in the number of companies voluntarily offsetting their emissions of greenhouse gases, according to a report published Thursday.
Climate champ Markey would face constraints, opportunities in Senate - The Hill's E2-Wire
Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) will be on a bigger political stage but could lose influence – at least in the near-term – if he wins election to the Senate.
US faces brutal hurricane season, Europe faces "year without a summer"
Well, now France’s main weather channel, Meteo, is reporting that there’s a 70% chance that the summer is going to be record-breaking cold and wet across much of western Europe. Meteo says that it’s been the coldest spring in 20 years in France, and the forecast is looking so bad, there’s talk of this being “the year without a summer” across western Europe. Europe hasn’t had one of those since the unusually brutal year of 1816, when Mary Shelley, reportedly stuck inside due to the bad weather, wrote “Frankenstein.”
RTCC Climate Change News - EU denies climate policy hinges on German election
The EU’s climate and energy policy will not be swayed by the result of this year’s German election its lead climate negotiator has told RTCC.

This is despite warnings from a German NGO that the removal of Berlin’s support would hamstring efforts in the EU to tackle greenhouse gas emissions.
Arctic Ice Extent Reaches 12 Year High | Real Science
Arctic ice extent is the highest for the date in at least 12 years.
Blacklisted Science Journalists Taking German Environment Ministry To Court For Defamation, Violating Neutrality
The Süddeutsche Zeitung writes that the story has now entered the legal phase, with journalists Michael Miersch and Dirk Maxeiner suing the German Environment Ministry for refusing to cease and desist distributing the controversial brochure.
The New Nostradamus of the North: New groundbreaking UCLA study: "Global warming will be increasing the amount of time and speed with which organisms move around"

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