
Thursday, May 30, 2013


THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: The greens turn on their own green-energy project
[WSJ] The Magnolia State hasn't built a power plant of any kind in 30 years and its aging coal fleet is being retired under pressure from Mr. Obama's regulators. The real green energy policy seems to be none of the above.
Wind Concerns Ontario Blog: Green Energy and Green Economy Act Birthday Blues
In the four years since the Act passed ratepayers have seen the cost of electricity climb well beyond inflation; off-peak time-of use rates are up 60%, mid-peak 37% and on-peak 34%. Those increases don't yet include the cost of the gas plants (to back up intermittent wind and solar generation) or the $585 million cost of their moves to Lambton and Bath.

In that period of time OPG has seen its production fall 22% and the average price it receives climb by 22%.
Is it a failure to communicate, or faulty climate science? | Watts Up With That?
[Steve Goreham] The reason for lukewarm public acceptance of the theory of man-made warming is not a failure to communicate, but that the science is rotten.
Slaying the "Zombies" of Climate Science: Dr. Marshall Shepherd at TEDxAtlanta - YouTube
[commenter justintempler on warmist zombie theories] Zombie theories, drought was caused by global warming, cherry picked graphs that start right after 30 years of global cooling, the discredited Marcott et al hockey stick, cherry picked arctic sea ice graph that starts in 79, it was cooling from 1945-1977, new normal, thinking that when the sun activity drops off, that temps respond immediately, the idea that the billions of dollars don't corrupt climate science, the idea you can trust the UHI polluted temperature record, energy renaissance.

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