
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Twitter / Foxgoose
Coming soon from a politician near you " change- what gave you you the idea I ever believed in that rubbish"
'Trougher' Yeo recants on global warming – Telegraph Blogs
[Delingpole] We're going to see a lot of this in the coming weeks and months: "the even though I've been proved completely wrong, I was right all along really" non-apologetic retraction from all those former full-time climate alarmists – eg the Met Office; Oxford's Professor Myles Allen; even certain of my Telegraph blogging colleagues – who are now trying to escape from the collapsing edifice of the great AGW scam while trying to salvage as much professional dignity as they can muster.
Update on Climate Temperature Sensitivity (Good News, the Numbers are Falling) | Coyote Blog
One of the interesting things you might notice from the Wikipedia page is that they do not reference any sensitivity study more recent than 2007 (except for a literature review in 2008). One reason might be that over the last 5 years there have been a series of studies that have begun to lower the expected value of the sensitivity number. What many of these studies have in common is that they are based on actual observational data over the last 100 years, rather than computer models (by the way, for those of you who like to fool with Wikipedia, don't bother on climate pages -- the editors of these pages will reverse any change attempting to bring balance to their articles in a matter of minutes). These studies include a wide range of natural effects, such as ocean cycles, left out of the earlier models. And, as real numbers have been put on aerosol concentrations and their effects, much lower values have been assigned to aerosol cooling, thus reducing the amount of warming that could be coming from CO2.
2012 : McKibben Blamed The Lack Of Tornadoes On Global Warming | Real Science

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