
Thursday, May 30, 2013


BBC News - India village gets electricity after 65 years
A village in India's most populous state of Uttar Pradesh recently got electricity for the first time - 65 years after independence. The BBC Hindi's Nitin Srivastava visits Chibaukhera to find out how the lives of more than 100 families have changed. 
BBC News - Cheap coal 'threatens UK pollution targets'
Coal on the global market is so cheap that it threatens government attempts to tackle climate change, the chairman of the Environment Agency has warned.

Lord Smith says the UK’s share of electricity generated by coal is up to 40% – the highest since 1996.  [Via MH]
Twitter / marcelcrok: Meanwhile Obama decided to ...
Meanwhile Obama decided to publish his own black list of politicians he calls "deniers":
Climate Common Sense: Silence of Labor lambs
Climate change has become a to-be-avoided-at-all-costs issue in the Labor campaign and has gone from the "greatest moral challenge" in 2007 to be completely unmentioned in the 2013 Labor budget.
Has the Earth Experienced Statistically Significant Warming Since the Late 19th Century? | Power Line
The answer to that question apparently is No, although you may need to be a statistician to fully appreciate Doug Keenan’s explanation. You don’t need any expertise in statistics, however, to follow the entertaining story of how the British government has bobbed and weaved in response to the Parliamentary Question, “whether they consider a rise in global temperature of 0.8 degrees Celsius since 1880 to be significant.”

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