
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Greenland Farming Aerial Survey | Real Science
The green areas below show crops in the field.
Study: Global warming increases monsoonal precipitation |
Their findings, in contrast to previously held views, suggest that colder than normal Northern Hemisphere temperatures and North Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are correlated with this extended Northern Hemisphere monsoon drought episodes, while warmer than normal temperatures are correlated with wetter than usual climate.
Delaware universities get $20 million from taxpayers to scare public about sea-level rise |
“The project includes public outreach activities.”
Study: Volcanic — NOT manmade — aerosols in stratosphere cooling planet |
“This is also important for discussing the risks and opportunities of climate engineering in a scientifically serious manner.”
Snowball effect: New Jersey breaks record for snow removal costs |
New Jersey’s "black pavement policy" is costing taxpayers plenty of green
However, this was a pesky winter, with 17 events of 2 inches or more of snow in at least one town, state Climatologist David Robinson said.
Iowan organizes cross-country march focused on climate change | The Des Moines Register |
Don’t expect to see state Rep. Ralph Watts, an Adel Republican, among the marchers.

Watts, a retired electric utility company executive, said he has been researching global warming issues for the past decade and he doesn’t spend time worrying about the threat. He chuckles that the marchers — who will be exposed to blistering heat and frigid temperatures during the march — will discover what life would be like for many Americans if they didn’t live in a world that relies heavily on fossil fuels.

“If we had a list of 100 problems that we needed to deal with, climate change would be somewhere around 99 or 100 on the list,” Watts said. He describes climate change activists as “alarmists” and suggests more debate on the matter is needed.

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