
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


What did you do in the climate war? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
In Britain, the dawn of scepticism in the political ruling class:
We are slowly reaching the point when many will - and must - ask: where were you when the world lost its head to this scare? Were you on the side of reason or the mob?
It is a question of character.
Tesla is worse than Solyndra: How the U.S. government bungled its investment in the car company and cost taxpayers at least $1 billion. - Slate Magazine
How the U.S. government’s bungled investment in the car company cost taxpayers at least $1 billion.
Potential EPA lawsuit could create new cap-and-trade system | The Daily Caller
“The damage caused by Superstorm Sandy was widely linked to some of the potential risks associated with a warming planet,” Policy Integrity said in a statement. “It highlighted the need to work faster to bring down emissions.
Cavity wall insulations crash by 97% following green deal introduction | Environment |
Figures show that only 1,138 installations were completed in April this year, down from 49,650 in April 2012
Text of Michelle Obama’s remarks during Edward Markey fund-raiser - Politics - The Boston Globe
And now it’s summer, and it’s summer in Boston. I’m from Chicago. I know the excitement when you live in cold weather. It gets a little bit above 50 and everybody loses their mind. They got shorts on, laying out. (Laughter.) So a lot of folks just aren’t going to be thinking about politics.

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